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The Furthest Star (Acoustic) - Amy Macdonald

Save Save & Exit Cancel How to Format Lyrics: Type out all lyrics, even if it’s a chorus that’s repeated throughout the song The Section Header button breaks up song sections. Highlight the text then click the link Use Bold and Italics only to distinguish between different singers in the same verse. E.g. “Verse 1: Kanye West, Jay-Z , Both ” Capitalize each line To move an annotation to different lyrics in the song, use the [...] menu to switch to referent editing mode The furthest star in the sky, well that's the one that passed me by. I
Tried to wish upon that star, it didn't get me very far
It fell on empty ears, it fell on empty hearts. And my dreams, they fell

I'm always wishing I was someone else, I'm always hoping I can sell myself

But I'll be free for what I believe and I won't sell my soul just to
Achieve my goal. And I've been holding back the tears, dreaming all these

And I sing from the heart if you'll listen to me, everything I do is what I

The lights went out across the world and your house of cards came tumbling
Down 'cause nothing stays and noting sticks when you're rolling with the

But my star in the darkest sky twinkles and watches while the other stars
Die upon your empty ears and empty hearts

I'm always wishing I was someone else, but I've given up the goals, I will
Never sell myself

But I'll be free for what I believe and I won't sell my soul just to
Achieve my goal. And I've been holding back the tears, dreaming all these
And I sing from the heart if you'll listen to me, everything I do is what I

The furthest star in the sky, well that's the one that passed me by. I
Tried to wish upon that star, it didn't get me very far Embed Share URL Copy Embed Copy

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